
Whether it is through accidental damage or general aging much can be done to bring your work of art back to life.

Any of the following procedures can be undertaken.

Cleaning, varnish removal

and re-varnishing

oil painting under cleaning and varnish removal

Repair of ripped or torn canvasses.

Consolidation of missing

or raised flakes of paint

18th century oil painting showinng torn canvas

Re stretching and strip lining

17th century oil painting to have strip lining and be restretched

Repair of gessoed frames.

Gilding and antiquing

the repair using traditional composition of a gessoed frame

The Process

  • Initial contact by email or face-to-face visit. Send image and size

  • Close examination and report. Ballpark quote

  • Surface clean. Remove from stretchers if required. Facing if required.

  • Bridging repairs

  • Consolidation

  • Infill damaged areas

  • Isolating varnish

  • Inpainting

  • Final varnishing

Book a Consultation

Send an image and size for an initial appraisal